Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Vatican Newspaper Article Likens Barack to Joshua

It's not just the faux-Catholics running Notre Dame who conveniently ignore Barack Obama's ardent promotion of abortion.

Hilary White, writing for, reviews an article exalting Obama which showed up in L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper. And it was the second such article in two weeks.

Abortion is a mortal sin in official Catholic Church teaching. So too is anything that assists or promotes in such treacherous acts of child-murder.

So how then does the Vatican newspaper see fit to publish an article which completely ignores Obama's record on these crucial issues and instead likens him to the biblical hero of Joshua? That's right. Joshua.

The Vatican newspaper has for the second time in less than two weeks published an article in praise of US president Barack Obama. Today's issue presents Obama as the healer of America's racial tensions and the "Joshua" to Martin Luther King's "Moses." Lucia Annunziata wrote in today's Italian edition of L'Osservatore Romano that the political victory of Obama has signified "the overcoming" of US racial conflicts often spoken of by Rev. Martin Luther King.

In the article, titled "The Biblical Matrix of Obama's Rhetoric; the New Frontier and the Promised Land," Annunziata writes of Obama's appearance, in March 2007, at the Brown Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church, in Selma Alabama, the cradle of the Civil Rights movement. In that speech, which Annunziata calls "one of his key moments of his public career," Obama positioned himself symbolically in the place of Joshua, the biblical figure who succeeded Moses and brought the people of Israel to the Promised Land.

If the generation of Dr. Martin Luther King is analogous to that of Moses, Annunziata wrote, Obama himself, as Joshua, has completed the task of overcoming America's racial conflicts. As a man of mixed race, Annunziata wrote, Obama has healed the "racial divide that has always cut through America." Obama is, she said, "not a prophet, not a founder, but the fulfiller of the promise."...

Remember, the question asked in Luke 18:8? "However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?"


The rest of the story is here.