Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Stalwart Pro-Life Candidates Daub, Maxwell, and Chvala Face Elections Today

In addition to previous blog posts about today's local elections (here, here, here and here), I thought I'd also drop in the endorsements given by Nebraskans United for the Life of America. They are:

Omaha Mayor – Hal Daub

Omaha City Council, District 1 – Sharon Chvala

Omaha City Council, District 2 – None

Omaha City Council, District 3 – Chip Maxwell

Omaha City Council, District 4 – None

Omaha City Council, District 5 – None

Omaha City Council, District 6 – Franklin T. Thompson

Omaha City Council, District 7 – Chuck Sigerson

Go vote. And tell a few friends.