Friday, May 08, 2009

More From Portland

Before heading off to the adventures of our day, let me give you a quick update on our experiences up here in the Pacific Northwest.

As I mentioned yesterday, we're here in Portland, Oregon for the Hands for Life Conference beginning this evening. I'm responsible for two sessions tonight (Claire is helping out too) and four tomorrow. Also on the program are several brief presentations by locals and a talk given by Dana Cody of The Life Legal Defense Foundation down in California. The LDF has been involved in the defense of Rev. Walter Hoye that I've referred to in previous Vital Signs blog posts (in chronological order --1, 2 and 3).

Also tomorrow we will be leading a "practicum" at the notorious Lovejoy abortion clinic where half of the area's surgical abortions are committed.

Then Sunday I'm preaching at one of the 5 congregations of the Household of Faith Community Church. The church was founded by Gregg Harris, the nationally known home-school champion, and, particularly relevant to Vital Signs Blog's younger readers, the dad of author, now pastor, Joshua Harris and Alex and Brett Harris, the twins who are the force behind Rebeloution.

Last night we met the Hands forLife organizers, Tim and Janet Straub and their engaging, talented family. A very impressive bunch! They hosted a dinner at their rural home over on the Washington ide of the river with several other couples in attendance for what turned out to be a most encouraging evening of prayer and lively conversation.

The scenery here is gorgeous. And remember, this comes from a guy who was raised in the foothills of Colorado! It's green with deep, lush forests; rolling hills; waterfalls; the impressive Columbia River; and the backdrop of Mt. Hood. Wow.

And did I mention it's really, really green?

Today, if time permits, we will drive out a bit to see the Columbia River Gorge. But because we still have to sent out the Top Ten and scope out the Lovejoy site for tomorrow's action, that may have to wait.

In the meantime, I'd like to repeat my request for prayers regarding the impact of the Hands for Life Conference these next two days and for the rest of our duties here. Thank you very much. Back blogging on Monday.