Monday, May 11, 2009

Flying Out of Portland

Today Claire and I fly back to Omaha from what has been a very successful and enjoyable trip to Portland, Oregon -- a trip that involved presenting several talks at the Hands for Life Conference, networking with local Christians; preaching at one of the Household of Faith congregations; joining in a prayerful witness at a local abortion mill; and visiting the offices of Eternal Perspective Ministries.

Along the way we were also richly blessed by reuniting with some dear Belarusian friends and making fast new friends with the Straub family who superbly organized and directed the conference.

Since we have a plane to catch, I don't have time to give the details now. But, since those details are definitely worth reading about, I'll be sure to fill you in when we get home.

Thanks to all of you who prayed for the impact of this ministry this past weekend.