Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Margaret Sanger -- Live on TV

Roe v Wade was a wave of blasphemous barbarism which crashed on the shores of American culture in 1973. And, in succeeding decades, that wave inundated justice, compassion and respect for the inherent dignity of all human life -- ideals our forefathers had deeply cherished.

But that horrendous wave had been gaining strength for a long time.

Case in point? Watch this eerie interview of eugenics pioneer and Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger as conducted by Mike Wallace in 1957.

Despite Wallace's claims in the beginning that he's going to go after facts, he doesn't. It's a fawning interview, one that reveals Wallace's own leftist attitudes as much as it does hers. He treats Sanger as a heroine, a human rights champion who bravely fought against ignorance, suffering, sexism and, of course, the Catholic Church.

And, not surprising, Wallace doesn't go after Sanger's eugenics doctrines, her racism or the extreme weirdness of her own lifestyle.

Thus, in watching this old clip, full as it is of Sanger's distortions, irreverence and personal arrogance, plus the evidence it shows of a respected journalist's complicity in helping pitch her goods to a large television audience, we can see just how that wave reached its gigantic (and terribly lethal) proportions.