Thursday, April 09, 2009

Just How Bad Are Obama's Judges? Take a Look at David Hamilton.

Many of those misguided Christians who thought Barack Obama's socialist, secularist and pro-abortion extremism were just myths created by Rush Limbaugh and company are now ruing the day they voted for him. For, indeed, Obama's actions have been more unapologetically radical than even what his opponents feared.

In trashing the Constitution; spending billions upon billions which we don't have on programs we don't need; attacking religious values and freedom of conscience; appeasing America's enemies; turning away from Israel; and more, President Obama is brazenly creating his brave new world, one in which such outmoded ideals as those you hold dear must be quickly eliminated.

Next step -- the courts.

As if liberalism hasn't already dominated America's judicial system, Barack Obama is going to move it further and further to the left. And when he's done, America may be done too.

Take David Hamilton as one example. Judge Hamilton has been nominated by President Obama to fill a vacancy on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. Ironically, this would be the very court that has reversed several of his most outlandish decisions over the years.

Among those decisions were Hamilton's banning public prayers offered "in Jesus name" (though his ruling specifically accepted that prayers in the name of "Allah" were acceptable) and striking down a very modest Indiana informed consent law on abortion.

Before becoming a judge, Hamilton was a former fundraiser for ACORN and a leader of the Indiana chapter of the ACLU. He was nominated to the district court bench by President Bill Clinton even though he had no judicial experience whatsoever and was rated as "not qualified" by the American Bar Association.

This guy is a very bad judge. He's merely a leftist activist in a black robe, restructuring American society by manipulating the laws because he can't do so by openly democratic means.

Certainly, the cards are stacked against us here. After all, the Senate is in Democrat control and too many Republican Senators are unprincipled and spineless. (Case in point, retiring Senator Richard Lugar who inexplicably endorsed Hamilton.) But that doesn't mean we have to follow Lugar's example. Instead, let's pray and write a few letters (especially to folks like Nebraska's Democrat Senator, Ben Nelson) asking that they strongly oppose (by filibuster, if required) such lousy judicial nominations as Hamilton.