Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ironic (And Dangerous) Details About the Increase in Female Drinking

This story in the Washington Times describes a study done by Loyola Marymount University that young women are drinking more, drinking more dangerously, and drinking for the wrong reasons.

For instance, the study (which looked at results obtained from women at LMU and the University of Washington) concludes that young women are drinking "in pursuit of intimate relationships and positive attention from their male peers" -- even though the male peers really don't want them to!

Other items from the story to sadly note: binge drinking is up 22 % in college women (that's more than twice the increase for men); a Harvard University's School of Public Health caution that women were "far more vulnerable to alcohol than men;" and this very troubling find -- "The American Medical Association has advised college campuses since 2006 to warn women about the hazards of spring break after surveying 644 young women to find that three-fourths of them 'use drinking as an excuse for outrageous behavior.'"