Friday, March 06, 2009

The Democrats' New War on Rush: The Opening Salvos in Their Campaign for "Fairness Doctrine"

Barack Obama’s administration has uncovered a new Public Enemy No. 1.

Forget Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda. Obama and the pampered poodles on his staff are going after the real Mr. Big - Rush Limbaugh and his Excellence in Broadcasting network.

Does something seem a little . . . off, shall we say, about the moonbats’ newly rediscovered obsession with El Rushbo? From the War on Terror to the War on Talk Radio...

How long did it take Nixon to come up with his enemies’ list? At least three or four years. This Barack guy, he moves fast.

Howie Carr's column in the Boston Herald is a good one. Even his criticism of Limbaugh's program in recent years is pretty accurate. It describes part of the reason I seldom listen to him anymore. (Of course, the greater reason is that I prefer music on my car radio. Always have. Driving in modern America is stressful enough.)

All that aside, the issue lurking behind the Democrat's new war on Rush is the opening salvos in their campaign for the "Fairness Doctrine." You can bet on it.