Monday, March 09, 2009

Bellevue Abortion Mill Opens Again

Because the notorious Leroy Carhart re-opened his abortion mill in Bellevue yesterday (yes, he does abortions even on Sunday morning), Claire and I will be sidewalk counseling this morning. Therefore, blogging will be a bit late.

In the meantime, I print a portion of Larry Donlan's (Rescue the Heartland) report of yesterday's action there along with one of the photos he took of the place.

Saturday March 7th, 2009 marked the re-opening of Leroy Carhart's late-term child-killing center in Bellevue, NE., which was closed due to a fire at that facility a couple of months ago. It was a dark and rainy morning, with a chill in the air ironically appropriate to the occasion. In terms of being ready to "serve" the twenty or so victims, they seemed to be "shooting from the hip". The staff spent much of the early morning dragging in medical equipment such as an ultrasound machine along with boxes and boxes of medical and office supplies.

I don't know how the inside looked, but the outside was as trashed out as ever, still carrying that touch of Carhart professionalism. For instance, practically blocking the main entrance to the parking lot was a large, rusted-out old truck. Both front tires were missing with the wheel on the driver's side resting inside a large pot hole, giving the mill that "salvage" look. Right next to it, connected to the mill by a long extension cord, sat a generator that purred away all morning making one question if they even had electricity. I've often wondered how anyone could patronize such a junk yard posing as a "health clinic", but that never seems to matter much to mothers intent on destroying their children...

Sidewalk counselor Mary Adam talked with a young Hispanic couple who were very receptive, agreeing with practically everything she said. They even agreed to accompany Mary to A Woman's Touch, the pro-life pregnancy center next door where they were given an ultrasound and positive, loving care in their time of need.

So, in the end, the sun did shine on that bleak, dismal morning in March as one tragedy was averted, a life was saved, and heaven rejoiced.