Well, finally a UN official has admitted it.
Arie Hoekman, representing the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) at an event in Mexico City, declared without mincing words that the breakdown of the traditional family is a “triumph” for “human rights.”
As a leader of UNFPA, a UN agency that receives millions of dollars annually to promote “family planning,” Mr. Hoekman’s words indicated that their underlying goal just may be to “plan” the traditional family out of existence.
UNFPA has been successfully working toward achieving that goal, as many countries (thanks to UNFPA’s effective programs) are not producing enough babies to replace or support their aging populations.
Mr. Hoekman went on to say that high rates of divorce and out-of-wedlock births are not a social crisis, rather they represent a “triumph” of “human rights” against “patriarchy.”
These comments employ a definition of “human rights” that is foreign to me and to most of the families around the world and which directly contradicts the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states, “The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.”
We are entering into a new era where many claim that “human rights” are supposed to include the right to abortion, the right to sex whenever, however, and with whomever, and government is to pay for the consequences. And now this? That the family is an impediment to human rights?...