Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Uh Oh; President Obama Likes a Hot White House. Gasp! And He Eats Meat Too!

What do special interest leftists do with the increasing revelations of Barack Obama's hypocrisy? It's a tough call. After all, they don't want to alienate the most liberal president in history. They don't want to bother their fellow-travelers in the liberal stream. And they certainly don't want to give any aid and comfort to the really bad guys like George W. Bush and his friends.

Well, the posts below (and a whole lot of current news stories) deal with the glaring gap between Obama's supposed high ethics standards for team members and their actual performance when it comes to minor things like...well, paying your taxes.

But what about other things?

Like what do you do when Obama shrugs off all of that deep green eco-talk he spouted on the campaign trail and then goes and heats the Oval Office to a temperature where you could, as one presidential aide admits, grow orchids?

"It's stunning hypocrisy," said Christopher Horner, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and author of two books critical of global warming activists. "Obama spins the dial up, takes off his coat and seeks to mandate that we turn the dial down," he said.

Here's more on that matter.

But what about the waygu steak affair?

You'd think that PETA and the organizers behind the Live Earth Concert would be pretty ticked off at President Obama for serving up that ultra-expensive wagyu steak (about $100 per serving) for his inauguration, right?

After all, a PETA news release criticizing Al Gore claimed, “The key to stemming the tide of climate change is to make personal changes that will help reduce global warming. So it’s a bit of a mystery why Gore continues to eat animals and ignores the overwhelming evidence that eating meat is the number one cause of global warming.” The same conviction is shared by the Live Earth folks. They too insist that abstaining from meat is “the single most effective thing” you can do to reduce your climate change impact.

But so far, not a peep of protest from these guys.

But again, you got to give 'em a break. It can't be easy to bridge the "great divide" between Barack Obama's stated principles and the ones he actually lives by. And dedication to the Big Liberal Ideas (socialism, secularism and complete sexual liberation) covers a multitude of offenses on the fringe issues.