Not liberals.
No, the Left doesn't want fairness. They only want the "Fairness Doctrine" -- an Orwellian wickedness which will leave liberals with a complete monopoly on the dissemination of news and opinion in the public square.
Remember, last week it was Bill Press and the Democrat Senator from Michigan, Debbie Stabenow, chatting about the need for government to roust conservatives from the airwaves and force talk radio (and who knows what other media will be next?) to underwrite liberal losers. Well, Michigan citizens must have let Senator Stabenow what they thought of her totalitarian sympathies because she backed off her comments quick as an eel.
But guess who next showed up Press' radio show to advocate (and in no uncertain terms either) the "Fairness Doctrine?" None other Tom Harkin of Iowa who is, of course, about as deeply dipped in the loony left as they come: big spending, blaming America, abortion enthusiastic, seeing just about everything in the Constitution except those things that really are there...the list goes on.
So it's little wonder that Senator Harkin wants gags put on conservatives while insisting that liberals get government-insured, government-paid pulpits. After all, any honest debate makes him look too much like what he is.
And Tom doesn't like looking that goofy.