Gregg's withdrawal certainly caused an "Ouch" over at the White House since it's going to be tough to attack a man whom you've already heralded as a great economic mind and wise statesman.
Furthermore, the decision to forego the many perks that come from being a Cabinet member in favor of standing for the Constitution and fiscal responsibility have already, in some conservative minds, vaulted Gregg into a potential contender for 2012. It's an interesting idea. Particularly when you figure in his experience -- Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New Hampshire's 2nd congressional district from 1981 to1989; Governor of New Hampshire from 1989 to 1993; United States Senator from January 3, 1993 to the present (which included a stint as Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee).
His record on social issues is conservative, but not thoroughly so. For instance, he voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment. But the pro-abortion organization NARAL gives Gregg a 0% rating. We'll keep an eye on this guy.