Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Stimulus Package: One Giant Leap Towards Socialism

...Former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's scare tactics -- heartfelt or not -- panicked the country into action, and TARP became a reality. Yet not much seemed to change. Politicians will always be able to say that if we hadn't implemented TARP, America's economy would have tanked beyond our wildest nightmares. And being without the supernatural power to prove a negative, we'll never be able to disprove their claims.

Of all the concerns we had concerning TARP, our greatest should have been that once we opened the door to this magnitude of governmental intervention -- especially under a Republican administration -- we'd have even greater difficulty in resisting efforts by politicians to reopen it in the future anytime they pronounced there was a crisis.

Sure enough, Mr. Obama and his confidants view this "crisis" with eager anticipation as an opportunity to actualize their dreams for government to assume its rightful place as Master of the Universe and choreograph the economy on a super-macro level...

David Limbaugh sees through the hype, the hoopla and the horror stories surrounding the stimulus package. And, more important, he helps his readers see through them too. And forewarned, perhaps we'll take the steps necessary to protect our country from the disasters that this legislation portends. Read the whole of Limbaugh's column here.