Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pelosi Grants an Audience to the Pope

Her Highness Nancy Pelosi graciously granted an audience to Pope Benedict XVI earlier today in Rome. But she must have been shocked when the Pope didn't bow and kiss her ring.

In fact, the Pope showed the most infuriating chutzpah towards Her Highness as he instead gave her a brief lecture about the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church regarding abortion.

Pelosi, who plays at being Catholic and even goes to mass where she is given communion (a serious error on both her part and the priest that allows it), actually disdains the doctrines of the Church on this matter, making an unfettered enthusiasm for abortion a hallmark of her career.

But so great are Speakstress Pelosi's ego, naivete and audacity (common attitudes with Democrats nowadays) that she either assumed Pope Benedict wouldn't dare bring up abortion with her...or that he wouldn't let the rest of us in on the 15-minute meeting. He did both.

Pelosi wasn't talking to reporters afterwards. Poor thing. She might have still been stunned by Benedict's cheekiness. After all, he is only His Holiness, the Pope -- she, for crying out loud is the Nancy Pelosi!

Of course, the Speakstress will recover soon and put out a story with her own spin on it; one that suggests she was the star, the one doing the lecturing, the one whose principles on abortion (bloody and blasphemous though they be) remain unchanged.

Poor thing, indeed.