Friday, February 06, 2009

Obama Isn't Getting Enough Attention?

You say you've already seen enough of Barack Obama? Well, you'd better get ready for more. It seems that Obama plans to use the television networks as his bully pulpit, telling networks they need to get ready for three prime-time appearances in the next three weeks.

You see, Americans have caught on to all that pork, all that wasteful spending, all that government-engorging that Obama calls a "stimulus bill." And so The Great Orator needs to take to the TV to try and win them back.

The networks aren't happy about losing millions of dollars, of course. And at least a few wonder if Obama might be making a mistake with this tactic.

...Such a strategy, of course, could backfire.

"Do people really want to come home after looking for a job, or after being at a job they hate, sit down to veg out in front of their favorite show -- and he's on again?" said one TV suit, who suspects/hopes the Average Joe's reaction to too much Obamavision might be "nothing he's going to say is going to help me get a job, or put food on the table."

Said the TV suit: "He could lose a lot of goodwill doing this."