Thursday, February 05, 2009

Obama and Abortion: The Great Unifier Turns Out To Be Anything But

So much for hope and healing. Instead it is hype and hypocrisy which have rapidly become the themes of the new administration. Doug TenNapel's post over here at Big Hollywood takes a quick look at how The Great Unifier's decision on rescinding the Mexico City policy (a move opposed by 58% of the American people) is a sad case in point.

This is not a discussion on the merits of life or abortion. It doesn’t matter what your opinion is about that issue because I’m talking about divisive politics. The claim of unity and an end to politics that divide is either President Obama’s greatest example of philosophical ignorance or his greatest lie.

There is no more divisive issue than abortion. The nation is torn and it’s not over something trivial like a Coke or Pepsi preference. It’s an argument over the definition of life and liberty itself. So a President who ran on putting partisan politics aside should have a lot of work to do with the other side of the aisle on an issue like abortion. Not with President Obama.

He chose to take the most divisive tack possible and his media played the obedient lap dog to bury the division in the backyard...

That’s a perfectly divided issue so we should assume that President Obama would work a lot with the other side to find a compromise, right? Hope? Nope. On day three of his presidency President Obama didn’t meet with one Republican, one pastor, one mother, one survivor of abortion, one international religious institution, not one person. He’s not “intellectually curious.” He may not think God is giving him messages but he sure implements controversial philosophical doctrine like it’s well within his pay-grade...