Thursday, February 05, 2009

Homosexual Takes Over the Nation's 3rd-Largest School System

Below are excerpts from the Chicago Sun-Times puff piece on Ron Huberman. One interesting omission? The guy has no teaching or educational background.

If there was any doubt Ron Huberman was the teacher's pet, Mayor Daley eliminated it last week.

"I have utmost faith in him," the mayor said. "I can go to sleep at night, just close my eyes. I don't have to worry about Ron Huberman."

Now, the 37-year-old teacher's pet finds himself in charge of the teachers, as the new $225,000-a-year chief executive officer of the nation's third-largest school system...

Huberman is even making the most of his daily commute, talking with high school students on the bus to find out "what puts the sparkle in their eyes."

"They immediately share with me their MySpace page, Facebook page, HotMail, Google," said Huberman, whose mother is a retired high school teacher. "This is the language by which kids operate. How we can harness technology to enhance the educational experience is something we need to explore."...

"It has given me a great sensitivity for the need to be inclusive. If I didn't grow up being part of a group that was viewed differently, I may not have that sensitivity. It makes me in tune to individuals, groups and others who are not fitting in and may need extra support."

While he has an unusual perspective on the issue, Huberman refused to say where he stands on the stalled proposal for a gay high school.

To parents who might be uncomfortable with a gay CEO running the public schools, he said, "There are always those who will look to divide us. I'm focused on what unites us. What I believe unites every Chicagoan is the need to have a world-class educational system for our kids."...