Friday, February 06, 2009

Don't Give Us Cosmetic Changes. Just Kill This Bodacious Bill!

John Hinderaker over at Power Line has a great post that you need to read.

...There are many good ideas for how Congress can address current economic problems. One obvious possibility is to strip everything out of the bill that is not short-term stimulus--the large majority of the legislation's provisions--and vote on those spending proposals later, on their own merits. Various Republicans have excellent ideas for more effective legislation that will not load another trillion dollars in debt on our children's backs.

But for any good legislation to be enacted, the predicate is that the Democrats' terrible bill must be defeated. Republicans should hold firm and not settle for the stripping out of a few of the bill's most egregious pork projects. If they do, it is quite possible that the bill may not pass. If it does, the Democrats will have to take responsibility for the consequences. Senate Republicans should not take them off the hook.