Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Democrat's Trillion Dollar Boondoggle: Nothing to Cheer About

Conn Carroll's news revelations over at The Foundry (Heritage Foundation's timely and terrific blog) are becoming must-reading for me. And I'd suggest they do so for you also. For Carroll and his colleagues are providing relevant, fact-based analysis on the issues of the day -- the kind of things we used to expect from our newspapers and TV news shows but, alas, no longer dare to do.

Indeed, The Foundry posts are full of details (with ready-made links) so that you can verify the bloggers' claims yourself. Really, it's a treasure. And one replete with common sense, conservative values and honest reporting.

Here's an example, Carroll's "Morning Bell" post about the sadly misnamed stimulus package -- the growing popular sentiment against it, the amazing amount of stupid spending schemes and pork projects, the staggering costs, and the real story about what it will do to the American economy.