Thursday, February 05, 2009

The Culture of Death Well Represented in Obama's Justice Department

What are Republicans doing about the radicals among Barack Obama's nominations to lead the Justice Department? Hardly anything. Yet the cultural revolution to which these leftists are dedicated will change America in the most profound and perverse ways.

“We are on the brink of having the most Culture of Death, anti-family Justice Department ever.” This from Leonard Leo, former Co-Chairman of the Republican National Committee Catholic Outreach and Chairman of Students for Life of America.

The line-up is astounding -- David Ogden; Thomas Perelli, the nominee for Associate Attorney General, was the unfeeling lawyer who represented the husband of Terri Schiavo in his effort to withdraw life-sustaining treatment from the severely injured woman; Elena Kagan; and Dawn Johnsen, (photo at right) a former counsel to NARAL.

Leonard Leo told CNA that Johnson’s nomination is “absolutely stunning.” He said that Democrats and left-wing activists had complained the office had been politicized “in an unprecedented way” under the George W. Bush Administration. “And, now, without any debate or discussion, the Obama Administration is putting forward an absolute political zealot from one of the most Leftist groups in the country...”

Leo predicted that President Obama’s Justice Department may greenlight culturally radical positions on abortion funding, conscience protection issues, same-sex “marriage,” other abortion-related issues, and end-of-life issues.