The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (H.R. 1) passed in the U.S. House of Representatives by a vote of 244-188. This vote not only confirms that our government is intent on solving our economic woes through misguided spending, but it also reinvests in the mis-education of American students. The House extended the Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA) program for 18 months while choosing to let Title V expire, thereby killing by stealth the abstinence education programs Title V once funded. Effectively, this means that our tax dollars will fund only dangerous comprehensive sex education from this point forward. Congress traditionally reauthorizes and extends Title V abstinence education and TMA together, but now, come March, Title V abstinence education funding will be lost.
Unfortunately, while they were busily killing abstinence education — the most effective way to prevent sexually transmitted disease — legislators felt it necessary to load the $825 billion bailout with funding for ineffective sexually transmitted disease (STD) education programs. Apparently, providing balanced educational curriculum materials and perspectives on matters of health and sexuality is not a priority even if the information promotes the healthiest lifestyle choices for students.
Dr. Janice Crouse, Director and Senior Fellow of Concerned Women for America’s Beverly LaHaye Institute, stated, “It is amazing that folks on the Hill would want to cut abstinence funding when it is such a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of money that goes to comprehensive sex education programs. And, look what happened when all that money was spent for all those years on comprehensive sex education: teen sexual activity went up, teen pregnancies went up, and abortions went up. Now that we have more abstinence programs in more schools, all three trends are going down. That is what ought to happen, and the programs that make that happen are what we ought to support.”
With the left’s ongoing campaign to discredit and eliminate abstinence education programs and to attempt to educate kids on how to “safely” engage in risky sexual behaviors, the inevitable outcome will be a negative impact on sexual health. You can’t underestimate the value of communicating to our youth the importance of chastity and providing them with the skills and principles to abstain from sexual activity until marriage. Unless, perhaps, you’re a liberal politician on Capitol Hill who puts his agenda ahead of people’s lives.