Thursday, February 05, 2009

Banning Kids From Libraries?

“Unless I hear a ruling in the next 10 days ... I am going to recommend to my membership that they either remove [children’s books] from shelves, or bar children 12 and under from coming into the library.”

So said ALA Associate Director Emily Sheketoff. Otherwise, the ALA fears that they would be breaking federal law and risking heavy fines. The issue here is yet another paranoid, sloppily written law -- this one passed by Congress which was supposed to deal with lead levels in toys.

So will the law be changed before February 10th in order to keep from banning children's books (or else, children themselves) from public libraries? Or will our Washington statesmen be too busy with other loading the crippling stimulus bill onto our backs?


(Thanks for the tip goes to my sister, Sherry.)