It was the all-Obama Comcast channel that drove me over the edge.
Finally, I thought, this was the last straw. I would cancel Comcast and switch my cable service to Verizon. But before I could make my move, somebody called and told me that Verizon was robo-calling its customers and telling them to watch their Obama-mania special.
So I turned on the radio and heard an ad for some Obama commemorative coins. I clicked that off and went to the mailbox and saw Newsweek. Guess who was on the cover? I flipped on the Internet and went to Drudge, and he had a headline about Time magazine running its 13th cover in a year on you-know-who.
And the mainstream media wonder why they’re going out of business.
All I can say is, thank God for the NFL playoffs. That’s the only TV I’ll be watching this weekend. This is one of those historical moments - like the death of Princess Di, or anything involving the Kennedy family - where the only way to avoid the overkill is to go to total radio silence. It is for moments like this that the Turner Classic Movie channel exists...