Monday, December 08, 2008

Obama's Chief Speech Writer Caught Dissing Hillary...and in a Very Ugly Way

Barack Obama's chief speechwriter is Jon Favreau -- 27 and "immensely talented" (as the Washington Post assures us). But it also turns out that Favreau is a indiscreet, sexist clodhopper as has been illustrated in an extremely crass photograph that emerged from someone's Facebook page. That photo (quickly removed, of course) shows Favreau groping a cardboard cut-out of Hillary Clinton while one of his sophomoric pals (proudly wearing his "Obama Staff" shirt) simulates pouring beer down the throat of the secretary of state-designate.

You can read the "boys will be boys" perspective of the Post's story and see the photograph in question right here.

Classy folks Senator Obama has working for him, huh? Another case of liberals effecting the rhetoric of equality, civility and idealism while personally engaging in behavior that is anything but.

And imagine the Post's attitude and the subsequent headlines from her fellow MSM players if it was a Republican caught in such chauvinism.