Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Hindu Terrorists Getting Paid for Attacking Christians

Release International is reporting a marked increase in violence perpetrated by Hindu militants against Christians in the Indian state of Orissa. And that violence is definitely related to financial rewards which are being promised for the crimes.

"The All India Christian Council, a Release partner, says mobs are being offered money, liquor or food for attacking Christian property and murdering individuals. The more important the target, the greater the reward. Weapons and kerosene are being distributed.

Orissa bishops have written to the state's chief minister warning of what they describe as a Hindu extremist 'master plan' to wipe out Christianity in the state. Anti-Christian violence began in Orissa in August after the murder of a Hindu extremist leader – despite the fact that Maoists admitted responsibility for his death. Violence has since spread to 14 states."

Along with this immediate danger, Christians throughout India are facing the possibility of national legislation banning "forced religious conversion" if Hindu nationalists from the Bharatiya Janata take power in the forthcoming general election. So far seven Indian states have passed anti-conversion legislation.

That sounds good -- no coercive conversion is genuine, right or fair, regardless of the religion involved. However, the wording of these laws and the nefarious purposes to which they're being put increase pressure not only on Christian groups involved in charity work and evangelism but even on churches conducting normal worship sevices.