Tuesday, December 02, 2008

"Here We Go Again" -- Is America Facing Great Depression II?

I know, I know...it's downright unpatriotic (almost irreligious) to question the efficiency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. But several researchers, daring to venture into facts rather than mythical fancies, are realizing that the financial acumen of the sainted FDR was considerably less than what the Democrats, the MSM and your sophomore history teacher has led you to believe.

Perhaps key among these new bold academics is Amity Shales, author of The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression. It would definitely make for a provocative Christmas present. Imagine, for instance, the scene around the tree as you explain to Grandma the premise of the book! Yipes!

But do consider it. And for a quick run up to the topic, check out this George Will column. It's got some unsettling observations about what actually caused the Great Depression -- and how history is repeating itself with the bailouts and Barack Obama's promises of wealth distribution.