Monday, November 03, 2008

Whatever Happened to Global Warming?

Remember last summer when Al Gore described global warming as a much greater threat to humanity than even terrorism? And he did so with the full backing of the mainstream media which, for several years now, has been sounding the alarms of man-made global warming loud, clear and often.

Yet where has this "sizzling hot" issue been in Barack Obama's campaign?


So why hasn't the MSM demanded it being front and center? After all, it's the fate of the planet that's at stake!

The answer? Global warming has been absolutely nowhere in the campaign because it's just not a winner for Obama. The evidence of man-made global warming, despite the alarms so ominously sounded by arrogantly ignorant reporters, just isn't there and, to an increasing amount of Americans, the jig is already up.

This doesn't mean that Obama will ignore the issue once he's safely ensconced by the MSM in the White House. Oh, no. He's still a socialist who wants control of the economy, of American business and of your freedom. And the myth of global warming provides convenient excuses for those power grabs.

But it has not been on the agenda for the campaign because it's a "Democrat downer." For the same reason, the issues of the Iraq war, the threat of Islamic terrorism, Iran's nuclear weapons, gas prices and other matters that the media had been playing up so strong in order to undermine Republican chances in the election have been dropped altogether when liberal journalists saw that raising these issues actually helped the G.O.P.

The posts I've had here in recent weeks about the death of objective journalism have already made the case: Barack Obama Praising Violence Against Israel? Let's Go to the Videotape...Oh, Wait; the LA Times Won't Show It; Obamedia's Five "Most Shameful Biases and Notorious Blunders;" R.I.P. Objective Journalism; If Objective Journalism Hadn't Already Died, It's Certainly Passed On Now; Questions That Should Be Asked Tonight...But Won't Be; Obama Idolatry: Golly, This Is Getting Spooky. That's citing just a few.

And for compelling visuals of the situation, you can't get any better than these brilliant Michael Ramirez cartoons: