Monday, October 20, 2008

A Pro-Life Champion Sends a Note

Dear Denny,

Thanks again for another inspirational Life Sharer letter. What a tremendous blessing that the money we donate can be stretched to such a vast and needy world, a world so much in need of Jesus. Thanks for teaching those who were teachable in Burkina Faso, helping adults to be equipped to teach children. Bless you and Claire for caring so much and for being a living sacrifice for our Lord and our God.

Thank you for the news of Bill Ayers being invited to the U, my alma mater. I did send an email to Perlman expressing my huge disappointment that such and invitation would be made.
[And it was part of the difference. See this early Monday post.]

And thank you for Heroes in the Library which almost brought me to tears as I reflected on all the awesome and wholesome heroes in my 66 years of life on His planet...

In loving gratitude,


[Denny responds: Thanks, Harvey. Of course after reading your very nice note, I remembered one of those sports heroes I forgot to mention, a fellow I know you also have a great amount of admiration for: Yankee standout and outspoken Christian, Bobby Richardson. Say "hey" to Judy for us.]