Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Single-Issue Feminism Is In Trouble

If you listened very carefully to Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s dynamic speech to the Republican Convention last Wednesday night, you could plainly hear the death cry of single-issue feminism. The nomination of Governor Palin, a pro-life feminist, for Vice President of the United States has put the final nail in the coffin of an increasingly discredited and narrow-minded worldview that believes that women cannot thrive in a world without unrestricted abortion-on-demand. Equally importantly, her historic candidacy promises to transform the tone and complexion of American feminism.

But organizations that predicate their influence and even their very existence upon the precepts of single issue feminism will certainly not go quietly...

Don't miss Denise Burke's insightful and well-crafted column over at Human Events, “The Demise of the ‘Sisterhood of Single-Issue Feminists.’” (Burke is the Vice President and Legal Director of Americans United for Life.)