Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mark Udall: Crying Peace While Supporting the War Against the Unborn

Colorado Congressman Mark Udall (now running for the U.S. Senate) gives out with the same tired clichés about abortion as do most other Democrats (making abortion "safe, legal and rare", "finding common ground" with pro-life advocates, etc.) but his actual record reveals he then acts (as do most other Democrats) to promote abortion profiteers every chance he gets.

Still, it might be a surprise to Colorado voters to learn that Udall's abortion positions are...literally...as extreme as they can get. He has an absolute zero on the ratings established by the National Right to Life Committee and a full 100% from the National Abortion Rights Action League.

These scores not only reflect Udall's support FOR partial birth abortions, embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, providing U.S. tax monies for international abortion organizations and Planned Parenthood; Udall has gone so far as to vote NO on making it a crime to harm a fetus during another crime and to vote NO on restricting interstate transport of minors to get abortions.

This guy is bad news.

Ironically, this same Mark Udall who supports, defends and finances the abortionists who brutally murder preborn babies tries to present himself as a man of peace. He is one of the fellows, for instance, working to spend at least $8 billion dollars of taxpayer money to establish a Department of Peace.

Mother Teresa once said, "Abortion is the killer of peace in the world." She was right. But Mark Udall doesn't bother with either logic or morality. He merely wants the posture of peace...while all the while helping to inspire and enable the most barbaric thugs around.

Oh yes, before you leave, check out these humorous (and effective) video clips about Udall's outrageous Peace Department. This one emphasizing Udall's "Boulder liberal" credentials and this really funny one created by Freedoms Watch. Then forward this post to all your Colorado friends. They need to learn just how deeply dedicated Udall is to the abortion establishment.