Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fighting the Ongoing Slave Trade

The slave trade in human beings commonly referred to as "human trafficking" is not a matter of history. No, it remains very much with us. Various methods of coercion, deception, abduction, and use of force are dragging persons into hard labor and sexual exploitation for somebody else's profits.

And the human cost is staggering -- millions of people are being denied their basic human rights every year. Whether they are being used up in mines or sweatshops, plantations or military service, brothels or being sold as "brides," the horrors being unleashed on innocent people are legion.

But these injustices can be effectively fought.

The International Weekend of Prayer for Sex Trafficking Victims is September 26-28 and it presents a great opportunity for local churches to inform and mobilize their congregations to prayerfully fight back for foundational principles of justice. Won't you help your church to get involved?

There's a lot of information to be found at this Salvation Army-sponsored website including pdf files of excellent brochures and booklets that can be printed off. There's also a lot more that's available from the Beverly LaHaye Institute right here.