Barack Obama is getting downright testy about those ongoing reports of his outlandish support of abortion. Indeed, his latest flare up has him insisting that the National Right to Life Committee and others who have drawn attention to his votes against the Born Alive Infants are liars.
But the evidence is clear, substantial...and all stacked against Obama. If there's lying going on (and there is), it's not coming from the pro-life advocates but from the Democrat nominee himself. And with his intense rhetoric drawing even more attention to the issue, the problem promises to prove even more injurious to his campaign.
That's why one of Obama's spokesman has now admitted to the New York Sun that Obama did vote exactly as the pro-lifers were saying. But the confession only came with "spin" as to why he did it, not with an apology for calling people liars who were, as the facts showed all along, telling the truth.
But Obama is going to learn that he can't spin away from this matter. For even if the MSM wanted to continue to ignore it, his use of the word "lying" elevated it as a news story and doubles his trouble. No, this has now become a story that not only reveals his abortion record to be particularly heinous, but it also shows him as cowardly, duplicitous and arrogant.