Jack Yoest reminds us that the 800-mile Alaskan pipeline has been an unqualified success in its several decades of operation. And not only has it delivered the much-needed oil for America's energy, security and economy, it has also won several safety and environmental performance awards along the way.
...If the caribou like the pipeline, one would think the liberals would like it too.
But no. No oil, no nukes, no exploration, no civilization. Obama wants ten years to think of something. Like, maybe, inflate our tires to 32 psi...
Jack's post (at Reasoned Audacity, always a good site to visit as both Jack and Charmaine blog there) also includes the suggestion to sign on to the "Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less" online petition created by Newt Gingrich's team over at American Solutions. I join him in that suggestion.