Tuesday, July 08, 2008

The Shattering of England's Hearth and Home

England is a domestic country. Here the home is revered and the hearth sacred. (Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield)

Hmm. I wonder what Disraeli would think of...

* In just one weekend this summer, 7 people were injured in stabbing incidents in England. (The number of children hospitalized with knife wounds has risen by 62% in three years.) London schools are beginning to conduct scans provided and manned by the Metropolitan Police to dissuade students from carrying knives.

* The British Parliament votes to keep abortion legal and allows for the creation of human/animal "hybrids" for scientific experimentation. The numbers of preborn babies killed by abortion in England is at an all time high. So too is the rate of sexually transmitted disease.

* Family breakdown is rife in England with promiscuity, divorce, adultery, and various (and temporary) schemes of cohabitation leaving children bereft of loving guidance and care. Thus fending for themselves, kids wind up in the gangs. Barbara Wilding, chief constable of South Wales says that tribal loyalty has replaced family loyalty with the gang culture (heavy on violence and drugs) becoming a way of life for British teens. High Court judge Mr Justice Coleridge said family breakdown was amongst the most serious social problems facing British society.

* Prayer Digest (which reports on the other items I've mentioned here) explains that the government is going along with leftist groups who insist "sex education" be compulsory from primary school age...this even though all evidence shows that sex education at a young age (particularly value-less indoctrination) leads to increased sexual activity among unmarried youth.

Disraeli's domestic country? Alas, that England has passed.