Among the issues he highlights are: the lowest budget increase in years; the (overdue) passage of a "safe haven" law; his opposition (with only 14 others) to the gas tax hike; his proposal and passage of LB 736 which mandates the use of ignition interlock devices for first time DUI convictions; the innovative effort to curb the growing problem of metal theft from homes and utilities as collateral for illegal drugs; the state smoking ban; and the moving of the State Fair to Grand Island.

And, of course, of particular interest to Vital Signs readers, there's the cloning ban. Writes Senator Fulton, "After producing no resolution following several sessions, the Legislature struck a life-affirming accord on the matter of human cloning with LB 606. I worked with senators and interested groups to ensure that public funds and property are not used for destructive human embryonic research and to affirm that the policy of our state recognizes that human cloning is antithetical to the inherent dignity of human life. Senator Lathrop brokered the historic compromise. Even Senator Chambers, who has opposed such legislation in the past, recognized the value of the bill and voted for LB606. It passed 47 to 0, and this divisive debate may now hopefully be relegated to the past."
Again, the Unicameral summary is an enlightening, helpful review and it's written by one of our state's brightest and most principled public servants. Check it out.