As Brian Fitzpatrick describes the incident at NewsBusters, "At Smith College, it was a few dozen student activists screaming, chanting and banging pots and pans. With the American Psychiatric Association, it was angry letters from adult activists and bitter stories in the homosexual press. The bottom line is the same: far-left homosexuals successfully intimidated a few cowardly officials and silenced voices they don't want the public to hear.
"Not a bad way for neo-Marxist ideologues to celebrate May Day, but you'd think America's watchdogs of liberty, the free press, might raise an objection. Sadly, the liberal media haven't written a word about either story."
Well, since you don't depend on the liberal media, check out the links listed at the Pearcey Report. They include Fitzpatrick's story and this post from the Bear Diaries which gives a link to video clips of the outrageous affair.