Particularly, and most important, when will the truth surface that this supposed contraceptive also acts as an abortifacient drug?
We at Vital Signs Ministries have for over 25 years been asking people to investigate the basic science involved in contraceptive chemicals and devices. For the scientific facts reveal conclusively that, even when using these drugs and devices, "breakthrough ovulation" occurs much more frequently than is generally believed. And with ovulation, of course, comes the possibility of conception. However, these very drugs and devices (though commonly called mere contraceptive) will then act against the tiny human being to cause early abortions.
That is not contraception. That is abortion. And we have no right whatsoever to gamble with human life.
Thus people in positions of responsibility should take special care before God to give people the truth about how these drugs and devices work, especially sounding the warning about the post-conception deadliness they present.
Addressing this very serious matter is a sensitive and sound article, "The Birth Control Pill: Abortifacient and Contraceptive" written for the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists by Dr. William F. Colliton, Jr. (former Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at George Washington University Medical Center) and co-signed by many others.
I also encourage you to view this brief but remarkable video clip which demonstrates the basic scientific facts involved in the issue. The clip, which is very helpful in clarifying both the science and morality involved, was developed by Rich Seng, Tom Lerner, Zoe Asta and Nell Andrzejewski.
And finally, we have long been keen on recommending Randy Alcorn's Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions? It is an excellent study -- thorough, balanced and compassionate. In it, Alcorn (an extensive researcher, international speaker, and a best-selling author in several genres) examines the question from all sides. He talks to the doctors, the scientists and the drug manufacturers themselves. He reiterates the basic information already available (but rarely discussed) from the Physicians Desk Reference. And his conclusions are as sound biblically as they are scientifically.
It is an extremely important study. And we are pleased to offer it to you for no charge. Just contact us at vitalsigns@vitalsignsministries.org with where to send it.
It is always crucial to get all the facts so that our life decisions are based in truth and are sincerely, honorably performed. The links I've listed here all provide just such enlightening, liberating facts as the ones we all need. Check 'em out, okay?