And that's why Hanks is supporting Barack Obama for President because "he has the integrity and the inspiration to unify us as did FDR, Harry Truman, and John F. Kennedy and even Ronald Reagan...I want the President of my country to embody the America I have been waiting for..."
Say what?
Leave aside the incorrect use of the word "embody" here and don't bother with Mr. Hank's egoism in desiring a nation created in his own image either -- just consider what specific elements one might see in the America Tom Hanks has been waiting for, what changes in our social fabric might result when a Democrat-controlled Congress (with people like Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, Charles Rangel, and Barbara Boxer leading the charge) are given the Senate's most ultra-liberal member to sit in the Oval Office.
The "dream America" for Tom Hanks would be a "nightmare America" for those committed to the sanctity of life, to freedoms of speech, conscience and association; to fiscal responsibility; to the integrity of our borders; to national defense and honor; to educational excellence; to the right to bear arms; and to the cause of liberty and human rights.
No, Mr. Hanks; this kind of "seismic shift" we can ill afford.