Kids in developing nations are still dying for lack of basic antibiotics and oral rehydration therapy -- not to mention potable water and basic sanitation.
Which is why I want to throttle people whose solution to poverty is to just throw condoms, [birth control] Pills, and cheap abortions at people. It's adding insult to injury when people are helplessly watching their children die from preventable and treatable diseases, and the rich people "help" them by trying to spay and neuter them like so many stray cats. We don't need Poverty Pimps going in and throwing abortion and contraception at people whose dream is to have a few children who survive to adulthood. They need a chance of survival for their children, not a way to keep them from ever drawing breath in the first place...
Christina suggests looking to Mercy Ships and World Vision as organizations that are doing effective and morally responsible relief and development work. For several reasons, Claire and I have long partnered with Samaritan's Purse and we could not recommend them more highly as well.