Colorado once was home to an aggressive, populist anti-tax movement that culminated in a constitutional provision requiring a vote of the people to increase taxes. Just like the federal Democrats, the Colorado Democrats in charge of the state have decided to wholly ignore their constitution.
A year ago, Colorado Governor Bill Ritter signed into law legislation increasing property taxes in Colorado, despite Colorado’s constitutional mandate for a vote of the citizens. The tax increase will raise an additional $3.8 billion over the next decade. Naturally, Colorado residents filed suit against the unconstitutional action. The Democrats in the state legislature then authorized $150,000 in taxpayer funds for Governor Ritter to fight the tax payers in court.
Yesterday, the lawsuit finally made it through the courthouse door. The Democrats have decided to call the tax increase a tax “freeze,” arguing that they have done nothing wrong. The taxpayers, however, are pointing out that even the Colorado Attorney General advised the Governor his actions were a tax increase. The “freeze” froze into place mill levies that were set to expire. Governor Ritter and the Democrats, faced with the facts, would still rather use tax dollars to fight the tax payers than do what is right. The stakes are high too. If the Governor and Democrats lose, they will be forced to pay back millions to the taxpayers.