Thursday, February 07, 2008

The United States "Is Just Another European Country Now"

Today's "must read" is an article in American Thinker by Randall Hoven. It won't be a very pleasurable read but facing the truth is always preferable to fantasies or wishful thinking. And the truth Hoven presents is that the United States "is just another European country now. We are all welfare states if not outright socialist ones and our political choices are between center-left and left-left. Time to get used to it."

If you deny this, look at the facts. Government in the US spent 37% of GDP in 2006. The European countries of Ireland, Switzerland and Slovakia all spent smaller fractions, as did Australia and South Korea. The OECD total was just a tad more, at 41%. The extreme welfare states have tended to regress to the mean. Sweden, for example, cut government spending from 72% of GDP to 56% between 1993 and 2006. The US is in the same mix, as we all converge to 40% territory.

When we all used to believe in God, a tithe was suggested - 10%. Now the suggested donation is 40%. Except it's not a donation; it's not a mere suggestion; and it is not rendered to God.

Theres much more to be considered...and faced.

Again, the article is here.