Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mainstream Media Ignores Geldof/Bush Storyline

James Taranto, writing about the MSM's inexcusable failure to report the very interesting story (covered yesterday in this Vital Signs Blog post) about rocker Bob Geldof praising of President Bush, says:

Apparently they still aren't paying attention. Apart from the Times, the only press reference we could find to Geldof's comments was an editorial in the conservative Investor's Business Daily.

For the past 2½ years or so, we've been hearing endlessly that Americans hate President Bush, that even those who don't hate him disapprove of him, that even those who don't disapprove of him are tired of him, and that his presidency is an unqualified failure. Now comes a surprising dissent from that view, and hardly anyone pays attention. It's a man-bites-dog story, but the press corps looks more like a herd of sheep.

Here, by the way, is that IBD editorial. And the photo? It shows Bush, Geldof and Bono in a warm conversation over mutual interests.