Monday, January 14, 2008

2007 Was the Hottest Year on Record...Not!

Lorrie Goldstein, writing in the Toronto Sun, opens up a sardonic but salient column on the global warming hysteria with this:

Let's examine the flip side of global warming -- global cooling.

Inconveniently, while Al Gore was accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, 2007 became the seventh straight year in which there's been no global warming, despite increasing concentrations of man-made carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

And for Y2Kyoto believers, 2008 isn't looking good.

Last Jan. 4, Britain's Meteorological Office, among those at the forefront of climate change research, headlined its annual prediction of global temperatures made in conjunction with the University of East Anglia: "2007 -- forecast to be the warmest year yet."
The MET, as it's known, predicted 2007 would likely surpass 1998 as the hottest year on record.

(A caution. When we talk about any year being the "hottest on record" globally we're only talking about the 150-odd years for which instrumental temperature records exist, not the hottest year "ever." Such "records" are thus less impressive than they sound.)

You probably heard about the MET's prediction since it was trumpeted by the media worldwide a year ago. Many quoted a MET consultant solemnly emphasizing: "This new information represents another warning that climate change is happening around the world."

In fact, not only was 2007 cooler than 1998, it wasn't statistically different from any year going back to 2001. None came close to 1998. How many media outlets which gave the original story such prominence will correct the record? We'll see...

The rest of Goldstein's fine column is here. It's a good one to pass along to friends and, more important, to your Congressmen and Senators.