Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Romney's Winning Over Talk Radio Hosts...But Not Talk Radio Listeners.

Greg Jackson isn't buying the Mitt Romney bill of goods, despite the enthusiasm shown Romney by conservative talk radio folks. Here's a few excerpts from Jackson's column.

The religion speech may be Romney's Last Stand to keep Americans distracted from his governor's record and focused on the evangelical Pharisees who can't see he's the Republican savior. The truth is that Romney and his P.R. agents (a.k.a. the media) have focused America on his religion. How many talk radio sermons does it take to convince us "ugly bigotry" is why Romney's poll numbers can't get above the number of his toes?...

When you've drunk Romney's kool aid reality becomes inverted: 1. He's a conservative. He is? How did he get elected to the most liberal state in the U.S.? 2. He's the only one who can beat Hillary. He is? Polls show any of the Republican candidates could but that Romney is the least likely . 3. He's a smart money man. He is? How come experts are calling his health care plan a fiscal Frankenstein at birth? How come almost every Massachusetts' city and town has rejected it as unaffordable?...

Romney's speech declaration, "I live by my Mormon faith," is rudely contradicted by the health care plan he gave Massachusetts. Romneycare has made abortion a health care benefit and has given Planned Parenthood a permanent spot on the plan's board. Mormon doctrine is pro-life. And Mitt says: "I am firmly pro-life." Guess it depends on what you mean by the word "am."

As we've shown in numerous exposes that the media continue to ignore, Mitt achieved what Hillary couldn't. Hillary couldn't get a government health care plan established. Mitt did. She could never get abortion as a health care benefit. Mitt did. Hillary couldn't get gay marriage instituted. Mitt did....