Take this lengthy story appearing on the ABC web site today. The headline? "'Family Values' Low on 2008 Agenda: There Are Signs That 'Family Values' Are Out as a Campaign Issue." But if one bothers to actually read the article (which many won't), the facts to back that statement up just aren't there. Quite the opposite.
For instance, the USA Today reporter (Jill Lawrence) gives us this baldfaced lie: "Among the presidential contenders, however, Romney is virtually alone in stressing family values -- a shift that reflects changes in society, the backgrounds of the Republican candidates and the urgency of issues such as war, terrorism and the economy." Romney is "virtually" alone in stressing family values? USA Today reporters must think "virtually" means "excluding those who you don't want to mention for fear it might disprove your contention."
Hasn't Ms. Lawrence heard Mike Huckabee? For that matter, hasn't she listened to the new emphasis given family and religious faith by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton?
And when the reporter insists that "family values have lost their punch as a campaign issue," isn't she the least bit bothered by the surveys proving otherwise, including the one conducted by her own newspaper which found that 3/4 of voters contended that family values were extremely or very important to them?
Actually, it turns out that she did read that report. She even mentions it twice. But it still doesn't deter her from creating an entire story trying to deny that survey's findings.
It's never healthy to live in a world of illusions. Much less is it healthy (or desirable or honorable or fair) for journalists to try to create a world of illusions for others.