Thursday, November 01, 2007

This Ain't Your Grandpa's Anti-Defamation League

Ann Coulter's style of argument is often called "acerbic" (meaning harsh, severe, sour) but, in fact, because she dares to write plainly, honestly and with passion...because she uses wit and irony and satire with great effectiveness in dealing with some of the most crucial cultural topics of our day... I think the much better adjective for Coulter's style is "piquant" (meaning, according to, agreeably pungent or sharp; pleasantly biting or tart; agreeably stimulating; of an interestingly provocative or lively character.

Almost anything you'll pick up of Ann Coulter's will demonstrate this. But don't make the mistake of merely noting, even enjoying, the style of her writing. Be sure you accept the implications of her ever-relevant arguments for your own political and cultural involvement.

A great example is Ann Coulter's latest, a forceful reproach of today's Anti-Defamation League. An excerpt:

...They're too busy conspiring with the Council on American-Islamic Relations to denounce Dennis Prager. And promoting gun control. And gay marriage. And illegal immigration. You know, all the issues that have historically kept the Jews safe.

The ADL denounces the teaching of intelligent design, the placement of the Ten Commandments on public property and Bibles in public schools. Any entity that disagrees with them on these issues will be labeled an "extremist organization."

Gosh, it's a good thing there isn't a worldwide terrorist movement dedicated to killing Jews. The ADL might have to tear themselves away from promoting faddish liberal causes.

The ADL is more concerned with what it calls the "neo-Nazis" and "anti-Semites" in the Minutemen organization than with people who behead Jews whenever they get half a chance. It's only a matter of time before the ADL gets around to global warming.

Earlier this year, the ADL issued an alarmist report, declaring that the Ku Klux Klan has experienced "a surprising and troubling resurgence" in the U.S., which I take it to mean that nationwide KKK membership is now approaching double digits. Liberal Jews seem to be blithely unaware that the singular threat to Jews at the moment is the complete annihilation of Israel. Why won't they focus on the genuine threat of Islamo-fascism and leave poor old Robert Byrd alone?...