Friday, November 02, 2007

Selling Atheism to Kids at Christmas Time: How Low Can You Go?

You may already have heard something about the major Hollywood movie coming soon to a theater near that includes among its priorities the denigration of Christianity and the promotion of "atheistic values."

And it's coming just in time in time for Christmas! Well, make that just in time for the Winter Solstice.

Anyhow, the movie is "The Golden Compass" starring Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, Dakota Blue Richards, and Ian McKellen and is truly what used to be called "a major motion picture" with all the glow, the hype, and the warm sentiment to go with it.

It is going to be quite a show -- unless you do something about it. Watch this quick video where Catholic League president Bill Donohue delves into the matter and explains how we can spread Christmas cheer by exposing the real purposes behind this genuinely anti-Christmas movie.