Wednesday, November 14, 2007

On Ron Paul's Slowness to Condemn His Nuttier Supporters links today to a very unsettling report from American Thinker about some of the folks actively supporting Ron Paul.

Now, I'll be the first to remind you that every political movement will draw its fair share of nuts. And doing so does not reflect on the character and convictions of the majority of that movement's backers. I myself know some very principled, very thoughtful people who are supporting Paul's candidacy. And their reasons for promoting him are sound and carefully considered.

Nevertheless, the odious views of racism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Americanism being spread by some of Paul's supporters (minority though they certainly are) must be more quickly, decisively and thoroughly repudiated by the candidate himself.

Again, here's the article.

By the way, the photo I insert here is of a T-shirt sold by AnarchyWARE, a company providing "contrarian-minded, alternative merchandise in support of freedom, individuality and whatever else tickles your fancy." The order form page for the Che Guevera-inspired shirt contains this description: "Ron Paul may be America's last and only hope for the 2008 Presidential Election. Support his candidacy with this tshirt: VIVE LA CONSTITUCION!"

It certainly isn't as sinister as the messages being proclaimed by some of the Paul supporters mentioned in the American Thinker article (though there's nothing cute about the Communist murderer, Guevera, either), but it does illustrate how the Paul campaign is attracting, along with many conscientious conservatives, a weird and wildly libertarian bunch too.