Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Media Treats Abortionists as Heroes

There's a couple of "puff pieces" from the MSM this morning in which the usual bias towards abortion really goes over the top. One is from the Guardian Unlimited (U.K.) which champions the "girlish", "mischievous" Rebecca Gomperts, abortionist and founder of the "abortion ship" organization, Women on Waves. And the other is an equally cloying panegyric from the New York Times (reprinted by the Chicago Tribune et al) to Dr. Susan Wicklund, author of the forthcoming This Common Secret: My Journey As an Abortion Doctor.

In neither tribute is the other side given. Nor, of course, is there any description of the unjust and barbaric act of abortion itself. But even given the MSM's general tendencies to promote abortion, to vilify pro-life advocates, and to defend the perpetrators of the grisly and lethal deed, these two stories and their imperceptive lionizing of the abortionists stand out.